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Friday, March 22, 2013

We Value Loyalty

As a business that relies heavily on word of mouth advertising, we recognize the value of great advertisers. That's you! Your fantastic recommendations to friends, family and maybe even complete strangers on the street - but probably in coffee shops - are totally appreciated and invaluable to our salon business. Word of mouth is way more effective than any spendy commercial we can put out there, because your enthusiasm and experience is worth so much more. We can talk until we're blue in the face about what we do and how well we do it. We wouldn't be the first business to toot their own horn about how great their service is, their staff is, their product is. In the end, it doesn't matter what we think of ourselves - though we like to think we are pretty awesome. It only matters what our clients think of us. Potential clients are much more likely to take your word for it how you think we are fabulous over just another company trying to sell them on something.

We want to thank you for your generous touting of Melange, because without you, our business would not be able to grow as it has. We know you could be spending your time talking about any number of things: the weather, your son's soccer game, the latest episode of The Bachelor. The fact that you choose to talk about us in any way is an honor. In order to make your job even easier and also to prove how grateful we are that you love us as you do, we offer a referral program to our clients. If you refer a new client to us, we'll give them $20 off their first visit and you'll get $20 off on your next visit. It can be used on services or product. You choose! Your friend just needs to let us know that you were the one that pointed them to us. Next time you're in, you can even ask for some referral cards to hand out to them. We love what we do and are thrilled that you do too!

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