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Monday, June 23, 2014

Find Dry Shampoo in Your Pantry

So, you love the idea of dry shampoo. Obviously, because it works and gives you limp locks a little oomph to make it through another day or evening without having to wash your hair and dry out your scalp unnecessarily. If you love an all-natural approach to your beauty and hair products then why not mix up a batch of your own dry shampoo at home? Brunettes can make a blend that isn't white and actually blends in with their hair color. The ingredients for your head's new BFF are as close as your pantry. In fact, you really only need one or two items.

If you're a blonde, reach for the cornstarch. A few drops of your favorite essential oil - say, lemon or lavender - added to 1/4 cup can give it a lovely smell, too. 

If you're a brunette, add one tablespoon of cocoa powder to 1/4 cup of cornstarch. Shake it up, taking care to not mix with your hands and ruin it with the oils on your hands. This will give it a darker tint that won't leave you looking like you got caught in a baking fight. You can also add essential oils to this if you want a scent other than the faint chocolate of the cocoa powder. 

Get a wide makeup brush to use specifically with your dry shampoo and tap it over your roots to keep your hair grease-free and fresh looking.

Have you tried making your own dry shampoo before? If so how did it turn out?

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