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Monday, March 3, 2014

Bring Our Your Inner Mermaid

Mermaid waves are replacing beach waves and rocker waves this year. What's the difference? They are less messy and not as structured. You know how mermaids just seem to have perfect hair, whether underwater or hanging out on the shore? (yes, we know they are mythical.) You can get the look pretty easily.

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Easy: Put in some of your favorite product for hold, then braid your hair in a few sections before you go to bed and sleep on it. When you wake up, undo the braids and run your fingers through your hair and voila! No-fuss mermaid waves!

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Hard (by comparison)Want long-lasting waves for a special occasion? Babble has a 3-step tutorial for you to get beautiful, lush waves. This will take some time and planning (and product), so it's not as get up and go as sleeping on your hair and then finger-combing it out.

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Moderate: If you wake up with a few extra minutes for your hair, add some product to your locks and then use your straightening iron to curl sections of your hair. Once finished, comb through with your fingers to separate and loosen for a more natural and carefree wavy look. 

We love that this look can work equally great on long or short hair. Are you looking forward to trying this new style?

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