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Monday, January 6, 2014

Keep Your Hair Color Looking Fresh

You always want to look your best, and when you spend money to get your hair colored, it totally defeats the purpose if it doesn't last as long as possible. Sometimes things you do or use can make your color fade, which is not what you want to do. Instead, you'd like your hair to look fresh all the time, right? Here are some ways to keep that color bright and shiny:

Use a color-protecting shampoo/conditioner
There are so many great products out there now for color-treated hair. Some are tailored specifically for certain colors as well. At the very least, look for sulfate-free shampoos.

Avoid alcohol-laced products
Alcohol can strip your color, so make sure your hair care products like gel, mousse or hairspray do not contain this ingredient. One way to ensure this is to purchase any of the tons of all-natural products available now.

Skip washing your hair
Washing your hair too much can make your color fade more quickly. Cut back to shampooing just every other or every three days. Your natural oils are a great protection to your color and also saves you money on shampoo. If washing your hair less freaks you out, invest in a nice dry shampoo to spritz on your roots.

Use sunscreen
Sun has a way of fading pretty much everything in it's wake. SPF isn't just for your skin. Protect your color by picking up an SPF spray and add a layer to wet hair before spending  a significant amount of time outside in the sun.

Counteract chlorine
Even though it's wintertime, it doesn't mean you won't be heading to warmer climates and hitting the pool. Chlorine can really strip hair of a lot of stuff, including nutrients, moisture and color. Protect your hair by adding a few drops of baby oil to your dry locks before swimming and then immediately rinsing your hair with tap water when you're done. The oil acts as a barrier and keeps your color looking fresh and your hair healthy.

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